Friday, August 5, 2011


Duun nuh....Duuunnn nuh...Duun nuh...Dun nuh, Dun nuh, Duh nuh, Dunnah, Dunnah, Dunnah....

C'mon, use your imagination.  It's the Jaws theme, duh!  I'll wait while you re-read that line so it sounds right in your head...ok, ready?  Read on :)

If you can't find me the first week of August each year, check in front of the TV.  I'm more than likely camped out terrifying myself from ever stepping foot in the ocean again by watching shark specials on the Discovery Channel.  Even though it's horrifying, I love it!  I have shark-shaped cookie cutters.  I bought a shark squeaky toy for my Beaux Beaux.  I even have a shark scrubby-holder in my kitchen.  And all so I could feel like it's Shark Week all year round.

I'm obsessed.  But more importantly, I'm unabashedly ok with it.

The first day or so of Shark Week, I'm extremely gutsy and brazen about the idea of sharks lurking in the waters where we swim.
[You know, the day when they show all the shows about how the sharks eat seals, fish, and everything else sharks are supposed to eat]
All I can think about is when I can go diving in a shark cage, even with Great Whites.  I'm brave to the point of stupid, I know, but it sounds like an awesomely exciting idea at the time.

Then, they begin to show the specials about shark attacks in the shallow waters near the beach.  Or the shows where the experts with 20 years of experience dive in a shark cage - exactly like the one I, the non-expert, just wanted to dive in - and almost get eaten by a Great White shark.  Or the slightly dramatic and overly terrifying show depicting just how closely humans and dangerous sharks really are in the ocean.  After I see all of those shows, despite how incredibly interesting they are, I become a giant chicken all over again.

So then, I begin to think that maybe, just maybe, I was a bit over-zealous about swimming with the [really big, really strong, really sharp-toothed] fishies.  In fact, I begin to rethink ever stepping foot in the ocean - or any body of water {read:  river, lake, pond, pool, puddle, bath tub} - ever again.

I get over it in a few days, or at least by the next time I go to the beach or want to take a bubble bath.  But the process repeats itself every, single August.

Happy Shark Week!

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