Saturday, June 18, 2011

Beaux Beaux ♥

My dog is cooler than yours.

Case in point.

He is awesome.  Why, you ask?  How could this spotted dog be any different than any other dog?  Lots of reasons.  Here are a few...

He is always happy.  And I do mean always.  His tail wags even in his sleep.  If you think I'm kidding, you'd be wrong.  When he's awake, his tail cannot be captured in a picture - it's just a white blur.  What makes him even happier are:  anyone scratching his belly, anything chicken flavored, going for a ride in the car, running laps, and seeing Jon, Devin and "his girls," (B, T, & M).

He is a special puppy.  He was rescued from the pound on his last day.  They told me that if he didn't get a home that day, he had to be put to sleep.  Now who, in their right mind, could let a face like that one, be put to sleep??  If that wasn't enough, they also said that he had been found on the side of the road after someone had thrown him out of the window of a moving car.  He had a wound on the back of his neck that was almost completely healed when he came home with me.  Now, you'd never know anything traumatic had ever happened to him.  Plus, I cannot imagine why anyone in the world would even fathom throwing any dog, but especially my Beaux Beaux, out a window.  See?  Special.

He snores when he sleeps.  Really loudly.  Seriously.  He rivals my father and grandfather, two of the loudest snorers I've ever heard.  Other dogs may snore, but my dog snores.  Good thing it's endearing, well, and that I've been de-sensitized to snoring from said family members.

So, overall, he's one of the highlights of my day, every single day :)  How could this little guy not make you smile or make a bad day better?  He's a little miracle.  And the best puppy in the world.

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